Lively and mystical.

She is not someone, who possess charming looks, hazel or blue eyes, a pert nose, pinkish cheeks or an attractive figure. But she feels proud in her own skin, does not get embarrassed in flaunting her curvy body or a slight belly fat. 

She makes you laugh with her foolish jokes and sometimes witty sense of humour. Oh! Her laughter is contagious. The sound that erupts as she laughs may seem irritating to others but she doesn’t feel a pang of embarrassment. 

A generous at heart, she never backs off from helping those who reach out to her in times of need. She is too kind. She feels bad saying no to others. She wears her heat on her leaves, spreading love like no one else. She cares for the people close to her. 

But there is something more than just her lovable being. Have you ever tried to look beyond the facade of her outer personality? She has so many friends, enjoys with them to the fullest, but experiences a sense of loneliness on returning home.  She doesn’t share anything with others. But deep inside she wants someone to compel her to speak up her mind. 

She wants someone to absorb all her emotions that are clogged within her for so long. Everybody thinks that though an extrovert, she is arcane, mystical. But no one ever tries to dig out her secrets. She is waiting for someone to discovered, by someone so sincere enough to feel her wholely and solely.

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